Describe a situation where you were you unsure about right and wrong while using a computer
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It is risky to utilise computers to make sure that rules, laws, and regulations are followed.
A breathalyser, or alkhols in Swedish, is a computer-controlled equipment that prevents you from operating a motor vehicle if your blood alcohol content is beyond a specific threshold. And let's say there is a unique circumstance. Mary is the only person available to drive John to the hospital after he suffers a heart attack, but she has had a little too much to drink. John perishes when the computer prevents Mary from operating the vehicle. They don't have a phone in their far-flung summer home, and the network that their mobile phone is connected to is unreachable.
For above we are unsure about computer decisions:
No, a decision was not made by the computer. The individuals who programmed the computer made the choice. They may have considered the benefits and disadvantages and determined that the benefit of using such a device to prevent drunk driving outweighs the chance that the result may be incorrect in some rare circumstances.
Thus, such decisions are difficult for computers to successfully make. Because of this, adding excessive rule-checking to software may not be appropriate.
To know which unit of the computer provides the capability of decision making, click on the below link
To know the disadvantages in computing, click on the below link