Psychology, asked by Ujjwalshrma9706, 1 year ago

Describe a time when something turned out differently from what you expected


Answered by AkshithaZayn
Hey there!
Very well

A time when something turned out differently from what you expected. :thinking_face:

Actually, most of the time, what I expect, the opposite is what actually happens. ;p Most of the times, I expect the worst, the best happens. I expect the best, happens the worst

I can't to mention all my experiences here. It would like a autobiography ;p So, I would like to mention one incident/ or a huge thing that probably changed my life, somewhat, like it's a turning point. Yea, Turning point! Perfect word!

One of my best friend, Maybe the best thing that's ever been mine was once my serious enemy! :imp: The one incident, hopefully, I said it maybe the worst of the days! ;p When I was to be chosen as his class partner! :( I felt extremely bad about that and I even cried of thinking the incident or horror of being with that boy! Basically, we were enemies, but not enemies who fights or talks rubbish! We were like never mind the other and we both hated each other with no reason even though we don't talk, even though we don't look each other! maybe there are reasons :thinking_face:

Rewinding the incident, the cool day wasn't cool. :/ The person who was my class partner was the one whom I almost hated and never want to be friends and never tried too! I hoped my worst that it could go very bad, my year!
:( I hoped my worst year would be 7th grade ;p. The thing is that, we weren't allowed to change place from partners. The system was introduced to make collaboration and study - all in one go! But, it was not a collaboration, probably a horror was it, 'for me' :'

The human never talked with me and so is I
:smirk: That days, I used to respect myself so much and the 'human' have a lot of self-respect than me :unamused: So, hopefully, it's sure that it would be boring! I expected so and so it was for the first 2-3 days.

2-3 days passed away, an activity was introduced and I blame that activity a thousand times :disappointed: Something like interacting with questions! waak! :face_vomiting: I, with full disrespect towards the 'human' asked some boring questions to pass the time and he was amazing. He asked me about so many kinda topics and naturally, after the talk, maybe after a few weeks, we understood, we are made for each other (as besties ;p) The answers I gave and the questions he ask, was perfect to me? nope. I still don't know. :' I felt so and so and so...!?! ;p

After that, we found something common, something awkward working between us! Maybe it's so called Friendship, so called Sister-brother relation, maybe it's love, maybe it's nothing! I don't care and I don't know. We still care and love for each other! That's all :'

The thing I think was the worst, turned out to be the best! the best that was ever be mine!

I really hope we are besties forever, dunno it will be broken :'



Draxillus: lot of twists and turns
Draxillus: amazing answer didi
AkshithaZayn: thanks beta ;p
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