Describe. A vendor of fried groundnut would use different tactics for selling groundnuts. Describe why people would flock to him.
vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each
day, calling it, "Bombay Ice-Cream" one day and "Delhi Almond" on the next and "Raja Delicacy" on the third and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him.
Each day, the seller of fried groundnuts gave his profession a fancy name. The nut dealer named his company, among others, "Raja's Delicacy," "Bombay Ice-Cream," and "Delhi Almond."
The seller of fried groundnuts gave his goods fanciful titles like "Raja's Delicacy," "Delhi Almond," and "Bombay Ice Cream." This amused and fascinated others, who rushed to him in droves to buy groundnuts. Customers of the groundnut vendor wandered over to the astrologer, who was sitting directly next to him, and were presumably enticed to consult him.
The astrologer knew it was time to pack up his tools when the groundnut vendor lit his flare and got ready to go home.