Describe a work of a farmer with 1 hectare of land .
Work of farmer with 1 he ctare land are
Ploughing is done by bullock. It provide space for sowing.
Sowing of seeds is done manually .Either by hand or by seed drill.
Spraying the Pesticides and insecticide on regular basis to protect it from insects.
Harvesting is done by hand.
Using traditional irrigation method.
It is noted that farmer who have 1 hectare land use traditional methods and regaded as small farmers
1) A farmer having 1 hectre of land for farming is called subsistence farmer because 1 hectre of land is too less for even the sustenanceof a small family.
2) production is low and it is very difficult for the farmer.
3)the small farmer has no irrigation facilities
4) he has no working capital so cant afford the machinery,pesticides and insectides
5) to survive he have to work in others field also
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