Describe about a public park in your area 100 to 108 words
A park is an area of natural, semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. It may consist of grassyareas, rocks, soil and trees, but may also contain buildings and other artifacts such asmonuments, fountains or playgroundstructures
There is a public park in our area which is very beautiful filled with different types of flowers. People including small children everyday go to the park. We all feel very much relief and comfortable after visiting the part our mind fills with joy. It is a very nice natural wildlife where different types of animals live.,different types of plants, flowers, etc grow. I go to that park everyday in the evening. To enter the park we have to give a fee of five rupees only. There are many kind of playing things such as swings,see saw etc. for children. While visiting this Park I always think about the nature which is very beautiful and outstanding. Thanks to those who have made this Park. God has gifted us with many things, one of them is nature which is extremely beautiful.