Describe about alternate energy resources
7 mark question?
Describe about alternate energy resources
7 mark question?
What if there was a discovery that seemed to improve people's lives for decades? It helped them get from one place to another faster than ever before in human history. It helped them to stay warm or cool with a flick of a switch. But, at some point, it was also discovered that there were some down sides. It changed the quality of the air. It could be more than a little messy to find, process and transport. It sometimes caused squabbles between countries. It might even be changing the way the atmosphere functions, and it's going to eventually run out. That discovery? It was fossil fuels, most specifically coal, gasoline and natural gas. And because of those downsides, the hunt has been on for alternatives. Alternative energy, by definition, is any source of energy that doesn't use fossil fuels.
You have probably also heard of renewable energy sources, which can often be the same as alternative energy sources. While alternative energy is pretty much anything but fossil fuel, renewable energy comes from natural processes that replenish themselves. They also tend to be clean energies that don't pollute.
Different Types of Alternative Energies
The biggies, in terms of alternative energies, are solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, tidal, biomass and hydrogen. They aren't perfect, but they are cleaner and may become our main sources of energy in the future. So, one at a time, what are these alternative energies, and what are the limitations of each?
Solar energy can be passive or active. In passive solar energy, thought is given to the orientation of a building, the building materials and even the way light will be dispersed in the building, to take full advantage of the free energy shining on us from the sun. In active solar energy, photovoltaic solar panels are used to collect the sun's energy so it can be stored and used. The downsides? Solar panels can be expensive and on cloudy days, neither passive nor active solar energy is as useful.
Wind energy can be captured by wind turbine blades and converted to electrical current to be used to power anything that relies on electricity. There is no pollution, there will always be wind in the world and wind turbines can be on land or offshore. But, in places where the wind cannot be counted on, it is a finicky source of energy.
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