Political Science, asked by 1234567895555, 1 year ago

describe about public or Private devision in gender


Answered by sanjana779

public division

men and women discrimination has started from home only when the division of work began in which men are supposed to do outdoor activities and women indoor activities even though men can do the work like tailoring and cooking freely outside because they get money for it but they don't do this work in their home as they feel it will question on them. so it's all started from home


their are now also in parliament that number of male candidate is more than the female candidate and they are paid less as they do same work.

Answered by Anonymous

In surveying existing research, little information addresses women's experiences in government. The majority of the international research relating to women's role within government, internationally, has fallen into three major categories: one set of authors discussed the 'public' and 'private' conflict (Bochel and Bochel 2000, Boyd 1997, Buss 1997, Strivers 1993); another group considered the concept of state and/or nation and gender (Brown 1988, West 1997, Stetson and Mazur 1995, Mangaliso 1997, Yuval-Davis 1997 This research, in contrast, is directed at women politicians' own perceptions of their influence on the political agenda once inside the government structure upon self-reflection. In other words, how do these women view themselves as 'insiders' and how do they perceive their political influence? ...

... The contested notion of the 'public' space for men and the 'private' space for women in a society has been raised in prior research aimed at women in government. Authors (Strivers 1993, Boyd 1997, Bochel and Bochel 2000) describe how women in government face particular difficulties when entering the 'public' space of government. The concept of these two separate gendered spheres has been contested and debated within academia (Buss 1997, Boyd 1997). ...

... Authors (Strivers 1993, Boyd 1997, Bochel and Bochel 2000) describe how women in government face particular difficulties when entering the 'public' space of government. The concept of these two separate gendered spheres has been contested and debated within academia (Buss 1997, Boyd 1997). Despite this, a number of analyses still find the concept useful, and researchers are still looking at the specific obstacles that women face when entering the 'public' sphere. ...

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