History, asked by panda80, 10 months ago

Describe about the french society during france revolution?​


Answered by smartysurya773389

In 1774 , louis 16 of the bourboun family of kings ascended the throne of France . he wwas 20 year old and married to an Aushtrian princess Marie Antoinette. Upon his accesion the new king found an empty treasury. long years of wars had drained the financial recources of France. Added to this war was the cost of maintaning an extravagent court at the immence place of Versailles.Under louis 16 , France hel[ed the thirteen american colonies to gain their independence from the common enemy, Britain the war added more than a billion livres

to a debt that had already risen to more than 2 billion livres.

the society of estate was part of the feudal system that dated back to the middle ages. The term Old Regime is ussually used to describe the society and institutions of france before 1789.

1st estate - Clergy

2nd estate - Nobility

3rd estate - Big bussiness men , merchants , court , officials and lawyers ets

b - peasents and artisians

c - small peasants , landless labours etc.

panda80: assuring u a bucket of gratitude for such a great help....
Answered by 1Angel25
✌✌Hey, mate here is your answer⤵

In the late eighteenth century, the French society was divided into three classes. These are:
1. The First Estate (The Clergy) :
This Estate consisted Archbishops, Bishops and Abbots who governed the Church of France. These held about one fifth of the total land. These paid no taxes themselves. The Church collected the direct tax called tithe (1/10th) from the people.
2. The Second Estate (The Nobles) :
There were about 80,000 noble families. They enjoyed the privileges and did not pay any taxes. They crushed the peasants and collected taxes from them. They acted as judges, prosecutors and juries.
3. The Third Estate (The Common People) :
The majority of population belonged to this Estate, called the Plebians. They were the middle class, peasants and workers. The educated middle class (the bourgeoisie) consisted of doctors, lawyers, teachers, merchants and others. These paid about 50% of their income by the way of taxes. The government did not care for their welfare. They retained only 18% of their income. The farmers owned only two fifth of the land but paid four fifth of the total taxes.

Hope this answer will help you..《《

#Be Brainly#

panda80: Thanks a lot
1Angel25: Welcome
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