Describe about World War II
Describe about World War II
♀️It's a war for control of the world. The country or alliance that wins will be the dominant world power, able to enforce its will against all other, weaker countries.
♀️That doesn't necessarily mean they will control the world directly; just that nobody else would dare to oppose them. The only countries that might have been strong enough to defy them were defeated and humbled in the world war.
♀️That was the original meaning of the word when it was invented in Germany before the First World War (in German, Weltkrieg).
♀️Certain German political analysts anticipated a vast, apocalyptic struggle for civilisation between Germany and its allies on one side, and Britain and its allies on the other.
♀️When war broke out in 1914, the feeling was, "Well, the World War some of us dreaded and some hoped for is finally here after all".
_______________________❣️❣️Hope it will Help you ❤️❤️
Interesting Question!! ✌
World War Second usually referred as WW2.
⭐. It was a global war between the civilians of Soviet Union and China.
⭐. This war lasted from 1939 to 1945.
⭐. This was the first war in which people were involved in more than 100 million people which were from over 30 different countries.
⭐. This war drained many country's, it's economic, scientific and industrial capabilites.
⭐. In the human history, World war second was the deadliest conflict.
⭐. People have used only Nuclear weapons in the war.
⭐. This war was actually started from 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945.
⭐. This war includes many places. Such as - South America, china, North Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, Europe and Mediterranean.
⭐. Allied won the battle of Second world war.
⭐. NAZI Germany was collapsed.
⭐. Japanese were totally failed in this war.
NUCLEAR age was started from the end of Second world War .
Cold War was started ..