Describe alternation of generation in polysiphonia
Asexual reproduction in Polysiphonia take place by means of haploid tetra spores which are formed on tetrasporophytic plant. Alternation of Generation - The life cycle of Polysiphonia exhibits triphasic alternation of generation.
Red Algae are haplo-diplonts with a complicated life cycle that often involves 3 phases. Characteristical for Red algae is that no motile stage occurs during the entire life cycle. The spores and gametes are transported by the water in a passive manner. In the sexual reproduction only oogamy is observed. oogamy is a type of anisogamy (unegual gamets) in whch the egg cell is large and non-motile, in contrast to the sperms. In red algae the egg cell develops in a female gametangium, called carpogonium. It is here that fertilization occurs. The sperms are produced in a own spermatangium (male gametangium), but lack an own motility apparatus.
Alternation of generation means the single organisms has two modes of reproduction or two different phases of reproduction.
- Polysiphonia is a green alga that are exclusively found under the oceans.
- The polysiphonia shows the alternation of generation in which both the sexual and asexual stages are included.
- The sporophytic and gametophytic generations in the alga is identical and produce same size of spores.
- The gametophyte includes the sexual stage whereas the sporophyte include the asexual stage.
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