English, asked by skainth999, 2 months ago

describe an activity that you do after school or work
1.what it this?
2.when you do it?
3.how you feel about?
4.how you not about this activity?
5.to whom with it?
please tell me.


Answered by rudranilb059



Answered by mad210217


  1. Paint is a liv­ing lan­guage for me, with gram­mars and nuances that chal­lenge me beyond any other intel­lec­tual or cre­ative pur­suit that I have ever experienced. For some peo­ple paint is sim­ply a mate­r­ial, another medium, and a very tra­di­tional medium at that. For oth­ers it is the Bible — the Holy Writ. Or it is the Con­sti­tu­tion. Divine what the Found­ing Fathers intended and strictly adhere to it, or risk anar­chy. For oth­ers, it is one minor piece in a com­pli­cated art world chess game, a pawn to be moved about in a the­o­ret­i­cal con­struct of art prac­tice. A paint­ing is both a tan­gi­ble sur­face and a per­cep­tual space. Great painters cre­ate fluc­tu­at­ing ten­sions between the expe­ri­ence of see­ing sur­face and depth. The task of doing that well is mammoth.
  2. I always paint in my leisure time and sometimes I even free my time so that I could sit and paint. It's a relaxing way of imprinting your thoughts into a sheet of paper with various colours of your choice.
  3. When we begin to explore our talents and specialties, one of the areas some may excel in is painting. Even though painting may not be everyone's cup of tea, it sure does have benefits that you can learn from. Painting can help you communicate your emotions or feelings. Through the use of different colors, they can express themselves without the use of words. Painting allows an educational opportunity that is also fun and exciting. Painting helps acquire skills on how to focus on trivial details, painting on a canvas or a piece of paper requires varied painting skills.
  4. Since toddlers, we are familiar we this activity. Some find it relaxing and some find it difficult and boring but those who find it interesting go long way with the art of expressing themselves on a canvas with various different colors of our choice.
  5. I paint alone mostly but sometimes my younger brother gives me company and we enjoy  a lot spending quality time together with colors.

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