Describe an activity to show that matter is made up of particles.
1.Dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in 100 ml of water.
2.Take out approximately 10 mL of this solution and add it to 90 mL of clear water taken in another beaker.
3.Now from this solution, take 10 ml of the solution and add it 90 ml of water taken in another beaker.
4. In the same manner Keep diluting the solution like this 5 to 8 times.
This experiment shows that just a few crystals of potassium permanganate can colour a large volume of water (about 1000 L).
This activity proves that matter is made up of tiny particles. So we conclude that there must be millions of tiny particles in just one crystal of potassium permanganate, which keep on dividing themselves into smaller and smaller particles. Ultimately a stage is reached when the particles cannot divide further into smaller particles.
Answer: Procedure : Take a 100mL beaker.Fill half of it with water and mark the level of water. Dissolve some salt into it with the help of a glass rod.
Observation: We observe that the salt crystals are not visible after it is dissolved and the level of water also does not rise .This is because the salt crystals have broken down into very small particles making the salt invisible and it imparts salty taste to water.The level of water does not change as the particles of salt gets into the spaces between the particles of water.
Conclusion: Matter is made up of particles/ matter is particulate in nature.