Describe an experiment ot verify Archimed principle
Archimedes' Principle can be validated by:
Take two cylinders A and B of the same volume. The cylinder A is solid and the cylinder B is hollow. Suspend the two cylinders from the left arm of the physical balance keeping the solid cylinder A below the hollow cylinder B. Then balance the beam by keeping weights on the right arm of the balance. In this situation, both cylinders A and B are in the air.
The solid cylinder Ais now completely immersed into water sustained in a beaker D placed on a bench C as shown in the figure, taking care that the cylinder A does not touch the sides and bottom of the beaker. It is observed that the solid cylinder A loses weight i.e., the left arm of the balance rises up. Obviously, the loss in weight is due to the upthrust of water on cylinder A.
Now pour water gently in the hollow cylinder B till it is completely filled. It is observed that the beam balance balances again.
Thus, it is clear that the buoyant force acting on solid cylinder A is equal to the weight of water filled in the hollow cylinder B. Since the cylinders A and B have an equal volume, so the weight of water in the hollow cylinder B is just equal to the weight of the water displaced by the cylinder A. Hence the buoyant force acting on the cylinder A is equal to the weight of the water displaced by it. Thus, it verifies the Archimedes' Principle.