Physics, asked by wwwleemwenda8com, 9 months ago

Describe an experiment to find the density of copper turnings using a density bottle and kerosene


Answered by alkarani75p3m2pt


Find the mass of an empty density bottle. After that, fill the bottle with water and weigh the bottle once again. Now repeat the same with kerosene. Now, divide the mass of the kerosene by mass of the water and you will get the density of kerosene

Answered by AncyA


Experiment to find the density of copper turnings using a density bottle and kerosene.



  • To find the density of Copper turnings using a density bottle and kerosene.


This experiment consist of 4 steps.

Step 1:

  • Determine the mass of the empty density bottle M₁

Step 2:

  • The density bottle was filled with kerosene and find the total mass of the bottle and kerosene. M₂
  • From these two measurements, we determine the mass of the kerosene that fills the density bottle.
  • By knowing the density of kerosene the volume of kerosene can be found which fills the bottle.
  • By finding of volume of kerosene, we can find the internal volume of the density bottle.

Step 3:

  • The copper turnings was put in the density bottle and the mass of bottle with copper turnings was found M₃
  • M₁ = mass of empty density bottle
  • M₂ = mass of density bottle with kerosene
  • M₃ = mass of the density bottle with copper turnings
  • To find the density of copper, first we have to find the mass of the copper and its volume.

Step 4:

  • Kerosene was poured into the density bottle containing copper turnings.
  • M₄ = combined mass of bottle, kerosene, and density bottle.


M_{( kerosene in the bottle)} = M_{2} - M_{1}

Volume _{(kerosene in the bottle)} =  \frac{M_{(kerosene)} }{D_{Kerosene} }\\

= \frac{M_{2} - M_{1} }{0.8}    ............................................(1)

M_{copper} = M_{3} - M_{1}

M_{(kerosene above the copper)} = M_{4} - M_{3}

Volume_{(kerosene above copper)} = \frac{M_{kerosene of copper} }{D_{Kerosene} }

= \frac{M_{4} - M_{3}  }{0.8}       .....................................(3)

V_{(copper turnings)} = V_{bottle}  - V_{kerosene above copper}

= \frac{M_{2} - M_{1} }{0.8} - \frac{M_{4} - M_{3}  }{0.8}

V_{(copper turnings)} = \frac{M_{2}-M_{1} - M_{4}-M_{3}    }{0.8}

D_{copper} = \frac{M_{copper} }{V_{copper} }

= \frac{M_{3} -M_{1} }{(\frac{M_{2}- M_{1}-M_{4} + M_{3}   }{0.8}) }

D_{copper} = \frac{M_{3} -M_{1} }{(M_{2}- M_{1}-M_{4} + M_{3} } } (0.8)    .....................(3)

The equation (3) gives the density of copper turnings in the density bottle.


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