describe an experiment to show that the anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of Oxygen and aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen
In the cell, the food (glucose) is broken
down into carbon dioxide and water using
oxygen. When breakdown of glucose
occurs with the use of oxygen it is called
aerobic respiration. Food can also be
broken down, without using oxygen. This
is called anaerobic respiration.
Breakdown of food releases energy.
in the presence of oxygen Glucose →
carbon dioxide + water + energy
You should know that there are some
organisms such as yeast that can survive
in the absence of air. They are called
anaerobes. They get energy through
anaerobic respiration. In the absence of
oxygen, glucose breaks down into alcohol
and carbon dioxide, as given below:
in the absence of oxygen Glucose →
alcohol + carbon dioxide + energy
Our muscle cells can also respire
anaerobically, but only for a short time,
when there is a temporary deficiency of
oxygen. During heavy exercise, fast
running (Fig. 10.1), cycling, walking for
many hours or heavy weight lifting, the
demand for energy is high. But the
supply of oxygen to produce the energy
is limited. Then anaerobic respiration
takes places in the muscle cells to fulfil
the demand of energy:
(in muscle)
in the absence of oxygen Glucose
lactic acid + energy