English, asked by vishali67, 1 year ago

describe an interesting day in school


Answered by ann24612



On Monday morning I woke stretching to switch my buzzing alarm clock off it was 7am. I did not sleep very well because it was my first day at secondary. Part of the night I was feeling restless but I did not know why. I was feeling rather anxious throughout the night but I was happy to start a new life. I worked over to open the blinds for once the sun was shining bright as my new uniform. I worked over to make sure that my uniform was still hanging in wardrobe. My uniform was looking unique there was not a single crease to be seen. I had a quick glimpse at my back salute shoe they looked great spanking new shoes. I got ready quickly because I was curious of the time I did not want to be late for my first day at school. Standing in front of the mirror admiring my new uniform I was impressed with myself looking so smart. I was a little bit confused of how I should tie a knot in my new school tie. I was panic I rushed over towards my dad and tied my tie for me. I was feeling lot me relaxed. Subsequently, I made my way to the dining table; I had cereal with cold, white, fresh milk. As I had my first bite, my hand had a strong but stable grip on the spoon because I did not want to spill it on my brand new uniform. It felt like tight roping across Grand Canyon. I felt under pressure as I saw the clock reach 7:30am so I rushed my breakfast like a cheater chasing its pray in the jungle. I grabbed my bag and went sat down in the car. There was a sign of relief hopping I will not be late for my first day of school. When I was sitting in the car all I could think about was being late for school on the first day. This made me feel miserable and the car journey felt like the car did not have wheels. Finally, I reached school by 8:00am. I stepped out the car, took a deep breath and walked towards the gate. As I walked through the gates all I could see is student’s stairring at me trying to make me feel vulnerable. I avoid eye contact with everybody when I made my way to the reception area. The receptionist directed me where I need to go. I felt like I was going to be lost so I kept my head down and made my way to my home room class. I knocked on the door and slowly opened the door. The door creaked as I opened it I felt shivers going down the back of my spine. My home room teacher appeared quit enthusiastic, my home room teacher, shakes my hand introduced himself and I took a seat near the teacher. I chose because I did not want to miss ant important information. As time went by students came and sat down, some student appeared quite miserable and some were enthusiastic about school. The bell rang at 9:00am to start the first period. However, we were told we did not have lessons until period five. The teacher introduced the first activity on the agenda it was to introduce yourself. When it was my turn to introduce myself, I felt nervous, I took a deep breath and slowly introduced myself. In less than two minutes I ran out of words. I sat down in embracement but everybody gave me an applause this helped me with my confidence to my first day of secondary school. Next we were given a student diary which we were told to look after for the whole year. I felt more responsible when it was given to me. As time went by the next bell rang for break I slowly went outside for some fresh air, I could smell cigarettes burning, I saw kids running about and finally I saw one of my friends from primary school. I ran over to him and for the entire break we talked about the summer holidays. The next bell rung for the end of break. I felt devastated that I had to leave my only friend behind. I made my way back to home room and sat down.

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