Describe and explain how molecules of oxygen behave when the temperature is so lowthat the oxygen becomes a liquid
They they pitch and roll in violent collisions until they are influenced by a magnetic field where they tend to line up with the magnetic field and lose a little of their temperature. This affect is what I used to separate Oxygen and Nitrogen in a magnetic field. Along with reinforcing that pitch and roll…hehehe.
Sometimes the answer is right in front of researchers faces and for however smart they are, They miss the simplest answer.
This was my first research projects results. Imagine if Combustion processes used it.About 20% of the molecules in the atmosphere are oxygen. At room temperature they bounce around omitted the other molecules following the behavior typical of all gaseous molecules. Oxygen is somewhat reactive at room temperature and will initiate oxidation reactions with some materials.
✍✍ Liquid nitrogen has a lower boiling point at −196 °C (77 K) than oxygen's −183 °C (90 K), and vessels containing liquid nitrogen can condense oxygen from air . ✍✍