English, asked by Inflameroftheancient, 11 months ago

Describe and fully elucidate about Modals.

Need a full gist about it for English.



Best of luck !!!


Answered by TR0YE
⛦Hᴇʀᴇ Is Yoᴜʀ Aɴsᴡᴇʀ⚑

Modals➙ A word that is used to convey the mood of the speaker or his/her availability of inclination to do something.

➧Determination=> Will Express the determination of the speaker.

➧Compultion=> Express the mood of the speaker to do work necessary.

➧0bligaton=> Express the mood of the speaker to do work in obligation.

➧Possibility=> Express the mood of the speaker to do work in a possible way.

✺ There are 13 models used in English grammar are:-

❶▸ Shall➟ It is used in helping verbs in the formation of future tense when the subject is first person.

▶Ex:- Shall i/we go now?

❷▸ Will➟ It is used in helping verbs in the formation of future tense when the subject is 1st & 3rd person.

▶Ex:- Will you go there?

❸▸ Should➟ It is a helping verbs used with her 1st person as the past tense for of shall.

▶Ex:- The man said to us; you shall pay for the broken windows.

❹▸ Would➟ It is used as a past form of shall or will win transform or direct speech with her reporting verb in the past tense into reported speech.

▶Ex:- The man said they will pay for the broken window.

❺▸ Could➟ It is used as the past tense form of can When transforming a sentence from the direct into indirect speech.

▶Ex:- He said that it could rain at any moment.

❻▸ Can➟ It is used as a modal verb only it is used to show the ability of a person.

▶Ex:- He can swim for 2 hours.

❼▸ May➟ It is used as a modal verb only & Express possibility & exclamatory sentence to express hope.

▶Ex:- May they live long?

❽▸ Might➟ It is used as the past tense form of me when transforming a sentence in direct to reported speech.

▶Ex:- Mother said, "we should not go out as it may start running".

❾▸ Must➟ It is always used for modal verb & its base & strong sense of compulsion or necessities.

▶Ex:- She must be extremely talented to get hundred percent marks in the exams.

❿▸ 0ught➟ It is always used as a modem & convey a sense of obligation & it is always followed by full infinitive.

▶Ex:- We ought to follow parents advice.

(11)▸ Dare➟ It is used as a main verb which means to challenge.

▶Ex:- We dare not run out & get into trouble.

(12)▸ Need➟ It is used as a main verb. It is a transitive & infinite verb which means to required something which is necessary to have.

▶Ex:- She need to buy some milk for the baby.

(13)▸ Used➟ It is a main verb used as both past tense & participle of the verb 'use'.

▶Ex:- I used a knife to cut the fruits.


cutiepie017: excellent
NasheeraG: Talented
Anonymous: @TROYE sir/ma'am you are doing great....keep going on....keep contributing..... I am glad to see such an amazing Answerer like you...... I appreciate you..... approving your answer... wait for a few seconds.... brilliant
Anonymous: Approval done ✔✔✔ verified by expert....xD.....but you are the real expert
Diyakalra002: ⭐Awesom answer⭐
platz: really cool!
Diyakalra002: :)
TR0YE: Thanks to all!
DevilDoll12: Well Answered !
adityayadav2004: super
Answered by Anonymous
 \red{ \huge{modals}}
Modal auxiliaries are used along with main verbs. They are not used alone. Together with the main verb that follow the modal auxiliaries Express the mode or manner of actions denoted by the verb. They express such ideas as ability , possibility, probability, permission, obligation or duty etc.

Modal auxiliaries are :
Will , Shall , Would, Should, Can , Could , Must , May , Might , Need , Dare, Ought to , Used to , Has to , Have to , Had to .

Use of has to /have to :

★ Has to /Have to is used to show necessity or compulsion from without.

★ Questions and negatives are formed both ways with or without do -

=> Has to/Have to express necessity and obligations forced by external forces or circumstances.

Use of had to :

★Had to is used to Express necessity or obligations -

Use of Will :

★ With the second and third person will is used to express simple future.

★ Will with the first person is used :
a) To Express willingness or offer .

b) To Express intention or promise.

c) To Express threat :

d) To Express resolution:

e) To Express determination :

★ In interrogative sentences will is used with second person.

Use of shall :

★ Shall with the first person is used to express simple future.

★ Shall with the second and third person is used :

a) To Express a command.

b) To Express threaten

c) To Express a promise

★ To Express an offer or suggestion shall is used with the first person in Interrogative sentences.

Use of would :

Would is the past tense of will. It is used :

★ To Express the past tense of will or shall in indirect speech.

★ To Express a habitual activity in the past.

★ To make a polite request .

★ To Express a wish .

★ To express improbable or Unreal conditions.

Use of should :

Should is the past tense of shall ,it is used:

★ To denote in indirect speech the past tense of shall .

★ To Express duty Or advice.

★ To Express purpose.

★ To express probability .

Use of can :

Can is used in present, it is used for:

★ To Express ability :

★ To express permission :

★ To express possibility :

★ To express capacity of power :

Use of could :

Could is the past form of can , it is used for :

★ To Express ability or capacity in the past :

★ In indirect speech in the form of past of can.

★ To Express permission in the past :

★ To express polite request :

★ To Express possibility in the past :

Use of may :

May is used in the present for :

★ To Express formal permission .

★ To express wish ,prayer or blessings.

★ To Express possibility .

★ To express propose in the sentence of so thought when there is first form .

★ To Express past possibility :

Use of Might :

Might is the past form of may , it is used for :

★ To Express permission in past.

★ To Express possibility in the past.

★ To Express past wish .

★ To Express remote possibility in the future.

★ To Express purpose if Second form is used before so that.

Use of must :

★ To Express dire necessity :

★ To Express comparison of obligation :

★ To Express determination :

★ To Express duty :

★ To Express prohibition :

★ To express possibility :

Use of ought :

Ought is used in place of should. But it is necessary the use of 'to' with it. Ought is used :

★ To Express advice or suggestion :

★ To Express moral or social duty :

★ Ought to + have + V3 shows that the action had to be done but it didn't.

Use of used to :

★ Used to easy used to express past habitual actions.

★ To Express the location in the past.

Use of Need :
Need is a verb and a model too .

★ Asking for a need .

★ In Negative sentences .

Use of Dare :

★ In negative sentences.

★ In interrogative sentences ask a question about courage.

Sorry please I had to cut the examples Because of word limit !!

Anonymous: ✯✯✯✯✯ 5 star
neha8165: bohot...tym he yrr hmare pass to
avika1279: I have no words to describe this ans ....... its fantastic
neha8165: hmmm
Mylo2145: Clap clap clap!
Anonymous: thanks
neha8165: Happy Birthday!

 Happy Birthday!

avika1279: who's birthday??
adityayadav2004: kiska burthday haii?
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