English, asked by baby2503, 1 year ago

Describe Antonio meloncholy


Answered by michimama13

Answer:: Antonio is portrayed as a melancholy character from the outset of the play.

Explanation: Antonio is portrayed as a melancholy character from the outset of the play. In the first scene, Antonio's friends, Salarino and Solanio, insist that Antonio is upset and depressed about his ships. ... Another cause for Antonio's sadness may concern his inability to readily lend Bassanio money to travel to Belmont.

Answered by merinmathew232



In the opening scene of the Play, Antonio seems to be melancholic. But he does not know the reason for his sadness and it makes him a dull fellow.He wants to discover the reason for his sadness, from where he picked it up, found it or otherwise obtained it.

His friends say that either the thought of his merchandise makes him sad or he is in love. But he denies both.

Antonio is introduced as a melancholc character in the play because Shakespeare wanted to introduce all the main characters of the play in the first scene itself. So Antonio is portraited as a melancholic character.

Thank U : )

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