Biology, asked by jayabarwar, 1 year ago

Describe any five cell organelles that are found both in plant cell and animal cell. Also write two functions of each.


Answered by sudeepsbd


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The plant and animal cells are eukaryotic and contain well developed cellular organelles.

The cell membrane, cytoplasm, chromosomes, and mitochondria are the structures that are present in both the plant and the animal cells.

The cell wall and chloroplast are present only in the plant cell.

Answered by nitishri1024

Answer:Six feature that are found in both plant and animal cell are.

1. Both plant and animal cell has selectively permiable plasma membrane.

2. They posses ribosomes ,ribosomes are site of protein synthesis

3. They posses mitochondria ,mitochondria is power House of the cell as it produce energy

4. They posses Golgi apparatus to modify and package proteins

5. They have endoplasmic reticulum

6. Both posses nucleus that control the function of cell.

Hope you find this answer usful !



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