Describe any five features of go east movement started in veitnam
First decade of the 20th century go East movement was launched. In 19 07–08 some 300 Vietnamese nationalists students went to Japan to acquire modern education.
For many of them the primary objective was to drive I’ll be friends from Vietnam. They wanted to overthrow The puppet Emperor and tried to re-establish the Nguyen Dynesty that had been the deposit by the French. These national list looked for foreign arms and help. They appealed to Japanese government as fellow Asians. They established a branch of restoration society in Tokyo but after 1908 the Japanese ministers of interior clamped down on them.
Hop this helps uh
1. In first decade of twentieth century this movement was launched.
2. About 300 Vietnamese nationalist students had to go to aquire modern education.
3. The Primary objective was to derive out French from Vietnam.
4. Ngyen Dynasty was to re-establish.
5. Foreign arms and Help were the main point for the nationalists.