History, asked by irushdakhan, 11 months ago

Describe any four methods the Romans used to control labour.


Answered by AdityChetri

salevry in ancient rome played an important role in society and the economy. Besides manual labour, slaves performed many domestic services, and might be employed at highly skilled jobs and professions. Accountants and physicians were often slaves. Slaves of Greek origin in particular might be highly educated. Unskilled slaves, or those sentenced to slavery as punishment, worked on farms, in mines, and at mills: their living conditions were brutal, and their lives short.

Answered by deepmangat
Romans were divided into strict classes. There were the patricians who could serve in the senate, the plebians who were normal citizens, and slaves who were slaves.

Within the plebian class there were further classes. Equities were rich Romans who wielded almost as much power as the patricians. Then there were middle-class Romans who worked a trade or owned a small bit of land. Last there were poor Romans who had nothing and lived hand to mouth off government handouts.

People in the Roman Empire were controlled with “Bread and Circuses”. The idea was simple- entertain and feed the people and they will be happy. Romans were constantly celebrating holidays and throwing lavish games. This certainly kept a lot of people in line but it was not perfect.

Rome controlled it’s workers like modern America does- meaning they didn’t. Workers worked because they needed money for rent and food. They would keep doing their job so long as they were paid. If the economy was in a bad spot and food was scarce there would be riots and revolts all over Rome until the military could restore order. Rome was constantly having to maintain the food supply and livable standards less they risk open revolt. Upset Romans could also vote a populist into power who promises them help (Caesar).
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