describe any three feature of the houses in the civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro
1. Two Storied Buildings- For the Rich
2. One Storied- For commoners
Harappa and mohnj e daro were once the centre of indus an ancient civilization.
Knowledge about this civilization comes from the work of archaeologists who discoverd these sites,and the buildings, tools, artefacts, jewellery, and sculpture found there,and studied them in detail.
The Indus Valley people were highly skilled agriculturists. They used irrigation techniques and had large granaries or storehouses to store the surplus of crops gathered from the surrounding areas. Cotton was grown as a crop.
The two biggest cities of Indus valley civilization were Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. People lived in stone houses that were 2-3 stories high and all of them had sewage systems. The system was built with mud bricks and ran under the street. The city of Mohenjo Daro had 3,500 people. they had about 700 wells which brought underground water to the surface. The upper and lower sides of the city Mohenjo Daro were not joined but they were close together. The upper side was built out of mud with large buildings and also the Great Bath. The lower side of the city had small houses that were all similar. Ordinary people lived and worked in the lower side.