describe briefly 3 patterns of body symmetry
Animals can be classified by three types of body plan symmetry: radial symmetry, bilateral symmetry, and asymmetry.
Radial symmetry: The organism looks like a pie. This pie can be cut up into roughly identical pieces.
Bilateral symmetry: There is an axis; on both sides of the axis the organism looks roughly the same.
Spherical symmetry: If the organism is cut through its center, the resulting parts look the same.
Animal can be classified by three types of body plan symmetry, radial symmetry , bilàteral symmetry ,and asymentry
radial symmetry:the organism look a pie this pie can be cut up into roughly identical pieces
bilateral symmetry;there is an axis:an both sides of the axis the organism look roughly the same
spherial symmetry : if the organism is cut through its center the resulting parts look the same