describe briefly image of bharat mata as designed by abindranath tagore?(Refer to class 10 History book 'Nationalism in India')

Bharat Mata is a work painted by the Indian painter Abanindranath Tagore in 1905. The work depicts Bharat Mata, or Mother India, in the style of a Hindu Goddess. The painting was the first illustrated depiction of the concept, and was painted during with Swadesh ideals during the larger Indian Independence movement.
The Four essential needs in the hand of Bharat Mata. Abanindranath Tagore portrayed Bhārat Mātā as a four-armed Hindu goddess wearing saffron-coloured robes, holding the vedas, sheaves of rice, a mala, and a white cloth. The image of Bharat Mata was an icon painted to create nationalist feelings among Indians during the freedom struggle. Sister Nivedita, an admirer of the painting, opined that the picture was refined and imaginative, with Bharat Mata standing on green earth and blue sky behind her; feet with four lotuses, four arms meaning divine power; white halo and sincere eyes; and gifts Shiksha-Diksha-Anna-Bastra of motherland to her children.
(i) Bharat Mata is portrayed as an ascetic figure.
(ii) She is calm, composed, divine and spiritual.
(iii) This mother figure came to be seen as evidence of one’s nationalism.
(iv) Mother figure shown as dispensing learning, food and clothing.