English, asked by gogoijitul92, 1 year ago

Describe briefly the bus in which Valli was travelling...(5) Mark's answer


Answered by bakul7898


the bus in which Valli was travelling was heading towards the town. in the way Valli was disturbed by people and the bus conductor often while conductor was calling her madam often times and people were asking her to sit down on her seat so that she don't fall in the bus.valli was enjoying the outside scenes which she had never before experience in her life .when she reached the town she doesn't comes down of the bus to purchase anything because she was only left with thirty paise which she had to use as her fair to the village.as she was on her way back she was very sad after seeing a dead cow lying by the roadside. This described that she was a soft hearted girl.

Answered by buttarrajdeep1


The bus in which Valli travelled was a new bus. Outside, it was brightly painted white with green strips. Inside, in front of the seats, there was a beautiful clock above the windshield. The seats of the bus were soft and luxurious.

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