Environmental Sciences, asked by Abhiramalayil6604, 1 year ago

Describe control measures for soil pollution.


Answered by neeraj4039

we does not throw garbage and other home waste things .... like peel of vegetable and repeat eating products ....

Answered by QueenOfKnowledge

Control of Soil Pollution:

The following steps have been suggested to control soil pollution. To help prevent soil erosion. In general we would need less fertilizer and fewer pesticides if we could all adopt the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This would give us less solid waste.

Reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide use:

Applying bio-fertilizers and manures can reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide use. Biological methods of pest control can also reduce the use of pesticides and thereby minimize soil pollution.

Reusing of materials:

Materials such as glass containers, plastic bags, paper, cloth etc. can be reused at domestic levels rather than being disposed, reducing solid waste pollution.

Recycling and recovery of materials:

This is a reasonable solution for reducing soil pollution. Materials such as paper, some kinds of plastics and glass can and are being recycled. This decreases the volume of refuse and helps in the conservation of natural resources. For example, recovery of one tonne of paper can save 17 trees.


Control of land loss and soil erosion can be attempted through restoring forest and grass cover to check wastelands, soil erosion and floods. Crop rotation or mixed cropping can improve the fertility of the land.

1. Use of pesticides should be minimized.

2. Use of fertilizers should be judicious.

3. Cropping techniques should be improved to prevent growth of weeds.

4. Special pits should be selected for dumping wastes.

5. Controlled grazing and forest management.

6. Wind breaks and wind shield in areas exposed to wind erosin

7. Planning of soil binding grasses along banks and slopes prone to rapid erosin.

8. Afforestation and reforestation.

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