Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Describe coronavirus..........


Answered by manavjaison

Heya friend !

Here we go :

What actually is it ?

Coronavirus which is supposed to be primarily originating from the Wuhan Market of China is a lethal disease which typically affects the respiratory tracts of the humans which has now taken deep roots in most parts of the world.

Some of the researches have drawn comparison between the genetics of this virus with those of the bats. But, at the time of the epidemic, the bats were not sold in Wuhan, so an endangered animal pangolin is supposedly held responsible for the transmission of virus in humans.

The most lethal effect of the virus is it's widespread respiratory disease COVID-19 which has now spread to almost every continents of the world except Antarctica.

How can it spread ?

> It is majorly spreading through person to person in close contact.

> Through the nasal infections produced by an infected person with coughs / sneezes.

> Through contact with surfaces which have been affected by the virus.

How can we detect the virus ?

Some of the major symptoms of the virus are :-

> Prolonged fever

> Mild or intense headache

> Coughs

> Difficulty in breathing

> Pneumonia

> Bronchitis

> Sore throat

Prevention and Treatment

Prevention -

> Avoid close contact with people who are down with fever for a good amount of days

> Touching of nose, mouth or eyes should be avoided.

> Usage of alcoholic santizier is greatly recommended and one should regularly wash their hands.

> Cough or sneezes should be covered by a tissue.

> Intake of sufficient amount of water.

Treatment -

Since the virus is not bacterial, antibiotics or it's derivatives cannot be used for it's treatment.

If the person is suspected with any of the symptoms for a long time, he/she may report himself/herself to the doctor immediately to prevent it's transmission to others.

Thanks !


Answered by Aloi99


Why the coronavirus is named as the Corona?


The Virus Came into Popularity,in The Wuhan City of China,It is said,it was Started from restaurants where people would eat bat soups,The Virus mainly occured in Bats and Other Animals.

The coronavirus[COVID-19] is named as the Corona Cause of its Crown like structure when seen through micro-scope, It is Harmful and the cure for its highest level haven't been found yet, So the Scientists are currently working hard, and have cured over 50,000 people. There is currently no cure for the the Higher level of Coronavirus, Which has increased death rate and the no. of death people 3,190 As per the Results of March 4,The Virus is Estimated to affect Elder people more easily than Younger people.

The Virus gives tough competition to the deadly virus Ebola,As seen through the history, The Ebola outbreak was considered to be one of the worst Virus Outbreak to this date,It affected the West-Africa provinces and Killed over 11,315 People, it is still considered to be one of the deadliest virus since it occured in 1976.

Corona-Virus is considered to be more harmful as it is Transmitted to other people through Respiratory Droplets,while the Ebola was transmitted by body fluids.

As all diseases start with small germs evolving into bigger problems, The corona-virus starts with Symptoms like, Fever, Coughing, Difficulty in breathing Etc. And to defeat the small germs one must Wear Masks, And Always keep his hands clean, And make sure he doesnt touch his Face too often, Corona-Virus is mostly spread through Human-To-Human contact as the germs make their way into our body when the person sneezes, or Coughs, However there are few cases of corona-Virus showing no such symptoms.

Don't Panic from the Corona-virus,get yourself checked up every week and Keep your self Hydrated,[drink hot water every 15-20mins]

 \mathcal{BE \: BRAINLY}

 \mathcal{BE \: SAFE}

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