Chemistry, asked by brainly78613, 6 months ago

Describe COVID-19 role of RNA in detail


Answered by llɱissMaɠiciaŋll


2019-nCoV or Wuhan coronavirus

The current corona virus, named 2019-nCoV, is a new corona virus of subfamily Orthocoronavirinae.

Its an RNA enveloped virus.

And enveloped viruses are susceptible to soap, so washing hand with soap kills this virus.

There are seven strains of human coronaviruses:

1. HCoV-229E - Human coronavirus 229E (1960-65)

2. HCoV-OC43- Human coronavirus OC43 (1960-65)

3. SARS-CoV- Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (2003)

4. HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus- Human coronavirus NL63 (2004)

5. HKU1- Human coronavirus (2005), from a man from Hong Kong

6. MERS-CoV- Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC. (2012)

7. And the recent SARS-CoV-2, (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)

initially called 2019-nCoV, Novel coronavirus 2019, also known as Wuhan coronavirus. (2019)

Disease this new virus cause is called, COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019).

It’s transmitted from person to person in close proximity through airborne virus particles

and also through faecoral route

The 2019-nCoV- Novel coronavirus 2019 causes

1. Fever 37-39 C

2. Cough

3. Rhinorrhea

4. Shortness of breath, pneumonia, respiratory failure, ARDS

5. Gastrointestinal problem, abdominal discomfort, severe hemorrhagic diarrhea

6. Nausea

7. Vomiting

8. Fatigue

9. Hear Failure

10. Multi organ failure

11. Death

With Heart failure failure, Severe hemorrhagic diarrhea and respiratory failure it is often fatal.

This virus originated either from an animal source (Snake or bat) in Wuhan animal market or from a viral research laboratory near the same city.

Humans first was infected with this virus from animal, but now seems to be spreading from human to human.

Virus is able to spread before symptoms show.

It's incubation period is around 15 days.

The virus can survive in sputum for 4-5 days.

It has some genetic similarities with HIV virus, and thus in China it is being treated with HIV antiviral.

So far, the new virus appears to have a mortality rate of 2%. Much less than SARS, which was 10%.

In female, case fatality rate is 2.8%

in male it is 4.7%

It is 10–15 times more fatal than seasonal flu (killed 500,000 people in the whole world)

and about 3 times more fatal than Asian flu (killed about 11,000,000)

age 80+, fatality rate 15%

70–79, fatality rate 08%

60–69, fatality rate 3.6%

50–59, fatality rate 1.3%

Mortality is mainly in old persons with preexisting medical conditions like hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases, cancer.

Fortunately children are spared.

but there is always a chance that the virus could mutate to become more contagious or deadly.

It may invade the world until for several months and some scientists are saying

TILL May-August2020

and might become very dangerous.

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