Political Science, asked by Vaishnav4846, 1 year ago

Describe democracy in in 150 words.


Answered by Raivaz


150+ Words Essay on Democracy


Democracy is known as the finest form of government. ... Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their government. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for any human being to live freely and happily.

Types of democracy can cluster around values. For example, some like direct democracy, electronic democracy, participatory democracy, real democracy, deliberative democracy, and pure democracy strive to allow people to participate equally and directly in protest, discussion, decision-making, or other acts of politics.

In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and internet democracy are considered important to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests.

Even in democracies today, crucial knowledge is available to only a few individuals … — Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel, 1997 The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy. In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.

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