Describe differences between the sects of any of these religions:
a) Islam
b) Jainism
c) Christianity
Jains, unlike Muslims, do not believe in a creator God. Jainism believed in individual soul will attained moksa with intense meditation self discipline and sacrifice even food and water to attain Moksa which is state of free from cycle of birth and karma, that soul will merge with nature and ultimate peace and eternity against time and space.
The non-violence doctrine of Jainism has encouraged a strict vegetarian Jain culture. Islam teaches that meat is a gift of God, such as in verses of the Quran.Muslims are generally non-vegetarians, and consume halal meat. Beef is a sought after meat among Muslims, but they strictly avoid pork and alcohol. Jains oppose any slaughter of animals. Muslims ritually celebrate large scale slaughter of animals for meat, such as on the festival of Eid al-Adha.