Biology, asked by ayushsingh10711, 1 year ago

describe different changes during the menstrual cycle occuring in a women​


Answered by khushi115695


Menstrual cycle is a natural process in women controlled by four hormones named as FSH, LH, estrogen and progestrone. one of the several follicle in ovary starts to developalong with oocyte present in it under follicle stimulating hormone. endometrium develops with help of estrogen. meanwhile developing follicle completes its development. and follicle is released which is called ovulation. remained tissue of burst follicle forms corpus leutum. and it secretes progestrone which helps to secrete various secretions in endometrial glands and endometrium is ready for implantation of embryo after fertilization of oocyte and sperm. if oocyte is not fertilized within 24 hrs corpus leutom becomes inactive. and forms corpus albicans and progestrone and estrogen stops their secretion. and unfertilized oocyte and blood is discarded from body of a women. these are the changes which take place in women's body during menstrual cycle.

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