Science, asked by saim19, 1 year ago

describe each parts digestive system and mention their function ?


Answered by Srsukh
there are mainly 6 parts
1.bucal cavity-presence of teeth and tongue which helps in chewing the food and there the salivary glands helps in digestion of carbohydrats
2.oesophagus-the food pipe it carries food to the stomach. it is made of muscle cells
3.stomach-there is presence of digestive glands such as gastric gland.stomach also contains hydrochloric acid which kills the bacteria and it also helps in churning of food
4.small intestine.- (a) liver helps in digestion of fats (b)pancreas helps in coversion of proteins to amino acids
5.large intestine-from the small intenstine the unabsorbed food is sent to large intestine
6.and large intestine send it outside through Anus
Answered by shifashafeeqms



1.Salivary glands :

3 pairs  of salivary glands scerete Saliva. saliva contains an enzyme called

salivary amylase to digest starch saliva helps to moisten food and makes it easier to swallow and convert starch into glucose

2.Tongue:it moves the food in the mouth and mix it thoroughly with saliva

3.Oesophagus:The food moves down in the digestive tube due to the peristalic movement

4.stomach :the walls of the stomach produces gastric juice which contains HCL ,Pepsin and Renin and mucus

5.Liver:it is the largest gland which scerets bile juice

it makes the food Alkalin

it converts large fats into small fats

6.pancreas:it is called a mixed gland and it scerets pancriatic juice it contains 3 enzymes

1.trypsme :it breaks down protiens

2.lipase :it will digest fats into fatty acids

3. pancratic amylase :it will digest the carbohydrates

6. small intestine :it secerts intestinal juice and complets the process of digestion .here,carbohydrates converts into glucose

protiens into amino acids

fats into fatty acids

7.large intestine :helps in the absorption of water

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