CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Fatima0428, 4 months ago

Describe Eight Points of the last sermon of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him), which are related to “Human Rights and Social Values”.


Answered by arsalan5121472ali


1) Uphold human dignity:

The month of Zulhijjah is one of the most sacred and significant months in the Islamic calendar.

The month of Hajj (pilgrimage), where Muslims from all walks of life gather to seek Allah's

pleasure and fulfil the 5' pillar of Islam. Indeed, this is a month of increased spirituality.

2) Honor and respect the rights of women:

Women are not the property of men and their rights are given by Allah s.w.t. which no men can

take it from them. The Prophet s.a.w. emphasized the principles of mutual love, trust and respect.

3) Avoid economic inequality:

The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. emphasized the importance of socio-economic justice.

4) Do not discriminate:

All humankind is from Adam a.s and Hawa a.s. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor

does a non-Arab have superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor

a black has any superiority over a white — except by piety and good action."

5) Hold true to the teachings of Islam:

Throughout his last sermon, the Prophet (S. A. W) profoundly reminded us about the importance

of rights between humankind.

6) To maintain equality through zakat:

Holy Prophet (S. A. W) said in his last sermon that the sophisticated people must give zakat to

the poor for maintaining equality in society.

7) To abolish the interest system for maintaining equality in society:

In his last sermon Holy Prophet (S. A. W) narrated that we have to abolish the interest system

from our society for maintaining equality and social values.

8) Protection of life, wealth, and respect:

In his last sermon Holy Prophet (S. A. W) said we can spend a respectful life if we follow the

teachings of Islam.

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