Biology, asked by Jyeshtha123, 11 months ago

describe functioning of nephrons.
answer in 40-50 words.....
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Answered by leave
nephron is the basic unit of structure in the kidney. A nephron is used separate to water, ions and small molecules from the blood, filter out wastes and toxins, and return needed molecules to the blood. The nephron functions through ultrafiltration. Ultrafiltration occurs when blood pressure forces water and other small molecules through tiny gaps in capillary walls. This substance, lacking the blood cells and large molecules in the bloodstream, is known as an ultrafiltrate. The ultrafiltrate travels through the various loops of the nephron, where water and important molecules are removed, and into a collecting duct which drains into the bladder.

The glomerulus is the specialized configuration of capillaries within the nephron that make kidneys possible. Vertebrates are the only group to have developed kidneys, which is mostly used to conserve water in terrestrial environments. Fish and other primitive vertebrates excrete ammonia as a byproduct of protein reactions. Ammonia is toxic in the bloodstream, and must be removed. Reptiles and birds excrete uric acid, which is a more concentrated form of ammonia. Mammals have even more derived nephrons, which contain an extended loop, called the loop of Henle. Mammals produce urea from ammonia, and concentrate the urea in the urine to a high extent. This promotes the extraction of water from the ultrafiltrate, and allows mammals to live in some of the driest environments on Earth. A camel, for instance, will continually filter most of the water from its blood, recollect a large majority of that water, and reuse it continually.

Function of a Nephron

A nephron is responsible for removing waste products, stray ions, and excess water from the blood. The blood travels through the glomerulus, which is surrounded by the glomerular capsule. As the heartpumps the blood, the pressure created pushes small molecules through the capillaries and into the glomerular capsule. This is the, more physical function of the nephron. Next, the ultrafiltrate must travel through a winding series of tubules. The cells in each part of the tube have different molecules that they like to absorb. Molecules to be excreted remain in the tubule, while water, glucose and other beneficial molecules work their way back into the bloodstream. As the ultrafiltrate travels down the tubules, the cells become more and more hypertoniccompared to the ultrafiltrate. This causes a maximum amount of water to be extracted from the ultrafiltrate before it exits the nephron. The blood surrounding the nephron returns to the body via the interlobular vein, free of toxins and excess substances. The ultrafiltrate is now urine, and moves via the collecting duct to the bladder, where it will be stored.

Structure of Nephron

The picture below is of a general nephron. This nephron contains a loop of Henle, so it is a mammalian nephron. While the loop of the nephron is special to mammals, the rest of the structure is seen in all vertebrate animals. The glomerulus is the net of capillaries inside of the glomerular capsule (aka Bowman’s capsule). While the picture shows the glomerular capsule and the rest of the renal tubule look to be the same in the graphic below, they are in fact composed of a wide variety of cell types, intended to extract and retain certain chemicals within the cells

Nena11: Thanks for answering
Answered by Urvi2002

The basic filtration unit in kidney is a cluster of thin walled blood capillaries called qs a nephron. Each nephron has a cup shaped thin walled upper end called as Bowmans capsule which contains of bundle of capillaries called as glomerulus. Urea formed in the liver enter the blood . When blood containing urea enters the glomerulus it gets filtered through glomerulus capillaries the selective permeable wall of capsules allows the water molecules and small molecules of other substance to pass through them and form glomerulas filtrate the glomerulas filtrate collected in the Bowmans capsule further passes through the nephron tubules where reabsorption of water and useful molecules takes place. The remaining fluid containing the waste forms the urine which is thrown out of body

Hope you will find this helpful. ...

Urvi2002: Hey thank you soo much for marking me as brainlisted
Jyeshtha123: welcome to for this helpfull answer....
Urvi2002: Its my pleasure. ...
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