Describe global poverty trends.
The global share of people in extreme poverty – those living on less than $1.90 a day – has decreased consistently since 1990, when it included over 35% of the world population, to less than 10% in 2015.
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• Poverty and the high rate of unemployment in developing countries are the main reason for work of children.
• According to UN statistics from 2005, more than a quarter of people in the world live in extreme poverty.
• Lack of access to regular education in many countries; in 2006, about 75 million children left school.
• Violating child labour laws opens the way for an increase in work of children in all developing countries.
The proportion of people in developing countries living in extreme economic poverty i.e. on less than $ 1 per day as defined by World Bank has fallen from 28% in 1990 to 21% in 2001
There has been substantial reduction in global poverty, but there are regional disparities as described below
(i) Poverty declined in China and South-East Asian countries as a result of rapid economic growth and huge investments in the development of human resources.
(ii) In Latin America and the Caribbean, the ratio of poverty remained almost the same.
(iii) In Sub-Saharan Africa, poverty saw an upward trend due to successive droughts. It rose from 51% in 1981 to 47% in 2008.
(iv) Poverty has again surfaced in some of the former socialist countries like Russia, where formerly it was non-existent.
. As per the research done by world bank,global poverty has declined to 21% in 2001 from 28% in 1990.Poverty has declined substantially due to massive investment in human resource in China and south-east Asian countries.The decline of poverty is slow in countries like Sri Lanka,Nepal,Pakistan,India,Bangladesh, and Bhutan.
Poverty is universal, and people living in developing countries face lot of challenges and unemployment, low agricultural income and many social reasons are for it. World Bank from time to time define the living standard and people living less that a certain amount fall below poverty line.
Poverty line has fallen in the last ten years in many developing countries. In Latin America, it has also come down, but the ratio of persons living below poverty line to the rest is almost same.
In many sub Sahara African countries, the number of people below poverty line is still very high and in some South Asian countries, the decline is sharp due to rapid development, however, some still lacks development....
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