Biology, asked by selinekarani98, 3 months ago

describe how carbon dioxide is produced by respiring muscle cells reaches the alveoli cavities in mammalian lungs


Answered by Nifemii


The answer to it is that CO2 diffuses from the liver cells and all respiring cells into the bloodstream, which carries it to the lungs. In the lungs, the CO2 level is greater in the blood than in the alveolar air, so the CO2 then diffuses the other way, out of the blood and into the alveoli, from which it’s exhaled.

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Answered by gracemoranga581


Explanation:Carbon dioxde is transported  from the respiring muscle cells and carried back to the heart in the blood through attatchment to haemoglobin dissolved in the blood plasma.From the heart, it passes through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. Carbon dioxide diffuses out if the bloodstream thruogh the cappilaries and into the alveoli  and is then breathed out

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