Describe how Political Theory is relevant for practical as well as theoretical both.
Answer:INTRODUCTIONPolitical theory is not only a theory of/about politics, it is also the science of politics, thephilosophy of politics at that.As a theory, Bluhen explains, political theory “stands for anabstract model of the politicalorder… a guide to the systematic collection and analysis of political data”. AndrewHacker, enlarging the point of view, says that political theory as a “theory, in ideal terms,is dispassionate and disinterested.As science, it will describe political reality without trying to pass judgement on what isbeingdepicted, either implicitly or explicitly. As philosophy, it will describe rules of conductwhich willsecure good life for all of society…”.Political theory is not fantasy, though it may contain an element of political vision. It isnotpoliticking, though it does take into account political realities for its study and analysis. Itis notall scientism, though it seeks to reach the roots of all political activity analytically andsystematically.It is not ideology, though it attempts to justify a political system and condemns another. Itistheoretical, scientific, philosophical and at the same time dynamic with a clear objectiveofattaining a better social order. It thus, has in varying degrees, elements of ‘theory’,‘science’,‘philosophy’ and ‘ideology’.
Ideology: The problem-child of political analysis ..... one: liberalism was both a comprehensive political theory and a .... Those bastions are well-defended by ...