describe how synthetic plant hormones are effective as weed killers?
hey mate your answer
There are many plant hormones, and there are a number of different groups. They are used in agriculture and horticulture to have a specific effect.
Auxins were the first class of plant hormones to be discovered. Their main function is to help plants grow and auxin stimulates plant cells to elongate. The tips of the growing stems and roots (apical meristem) of a plant is one of the main places where auxin is produced. The apical meristem is also the location that all other parts of a plant grow from - the stem, leaves and flowers.
Auxins are one specific group of hormones that are used:
as weed killers
as rooting powders
for promoting growth in tissue culture
A dandelion
Selective weedkillers kill some plants, but not others. This can be useful for getting rid of dandelions in a lawn without killing the grass, or weeds that compete with crops such as wheat. The selective weedkiller contains a growth hormone that causes the weeds to grow too quickly and die. Because most weeds have broader leaves than grass or wheat, the weedkiller is absorbed in larger quantities by the weeds.
A plant cutting being dipped into rooting powder
Selective weedkillers kill plants that some species of animals rely on as a food source. This can result in a reduction of biodiversity.