describe how the grandmother spent time with the sparrows everyday in the city house? how did she feel at that time
Account -
The Portrait of the lady .
Author -
Khushwant Singh .
When the grandmother was required to move to the city with the author because author's parents called them there she became all alone . There was nothing like the village , she can't red stray dogs also .So she started spending time in feeding sparrows in the courtyard . Since the first day it was the happiest half an hour of the day for her . . Grand mother used to feed sparrows in the afternoon sparing some time from her spinning wheel . It was an adorned and intimate relation . The sparrows used to perch on her shoulders and even on her head . But she never shood them away . Even on the death of grandmother the sparrows seemed to be mourning . Thousands of sparrows were sitting in the verandha and around the corpse of grand mother . That day there was no usual chirpings . The birds did not eat the bread crumbs thrown by his mother . In this way the sparrows showed their sorrow to grand mother also . The relation between them was very close.
radha was the daughter of village Banya