Describe how the man with the scar kill his wife?
In The Man with the Scar by W. Somerset Maugham we have the theme of perception, curiosity, love, connection, loss, identity and struggle. Taken from his Collected Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Maugham may be exploring the theme of curiosity. The narrator having noticed the General’s scar is curious as to how the General has gotten the scar. There is a sense that the narrator suspects that the scar may be a war wound or at least that is the perception of the narrator (and the reader). It is as though the narrator considers that the General due to his previous occupation must have received his scar through battle. This could be important as Maugham may be highlighting how an individual can be misled by their perceptions. What they perceive may not necessarily be true. Which is very much the case in the story. The fact that the General also kills his wife may seem shocking to some readers.