English, asked by KhyatiKaushik, 8 months ago

Describe in about 100 words the activity that gives you immense pleasure while performing it. Give suitable reasons.​


Answered by swati387


When we use the word pleasure, I define it as ultimate happiness or well being which maybe of the body or of the mind.And if it is long lasting, there is nothing more satisfying than this. Now, pleasure can mean different things to different people at different times. I've understood something that the pleasure we get out of partying, drinking alcohol, gossiping, random travelling, making love,excessive shopping are nothing but very short lasting and temporary fix to lift our mood when we are sad. It dissipates easily and we need to do it again and again and after a point of time, we get saturated from these activities too. Now what is important is that we generate some pleasure which gives us happiness each time we do it. I have found this happiness in the form of a noble purpose in life. Trust me, when you benefit another soul or do something for another human being which is important for that person without expecting anything in return from him and that thing which you do makes a whole lot of difference for a moment or a longer span for that soul is the highest form of pleasure one can get. This pleasure is ever lasting and addictive.

So many times we do not help another person because we expect something in return or we are too lazy. Just overcome both of the above factors and make this a habit. This pleasure that you are needed by other people and you are of some meaning to others is beautiful.

One very important aspect is that first you make sure you take care of your needs and then help others. You should not be doing it at the cost of your happiness. Helping ourselves is the primary job. Only when we are happy, we can help others without any expectation.

A simple activity which I do is giving rice to the birds early morning. Every day I feel so happy when I hear their voice one hour prior to the time when I feed them, sitting in my balcony. When I go with the bowl, they all start chirping in happiness. This simple activity was not so regular in the beginning but seeing the eagerness and

happiness in the birds, it automatically became one. Thus, try helping someone. Let them belong to you. This is just one small example. I try doing the same things for other people firstly my staff and other people whom I meet everyday. Only one thing I do keep in mind that when I'm doing this, the other person is actually needing the help and not just using me for making his/her life easy

It would be better if you write about your true event but I hope this is helpful for you

if helpful , so please follow me and mark as brainlist

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