World Languages, asked by shailjamalviya397, 4 months ago

Describe in detail why should we thankful to God for his blessings.​


Answered by Kaytlyn


We should be always thank God for his blessings because only due to the god we are here. He has created the whole universe including Sun moon land water Earth and every planet and every individual.

Even if we have some physical problems or some pain we have to live with, we should thank God for what we still can do, whether it is waking up in the morning, or going to work, or finding some moments of enjoyment in our lives. ... They are grateful to God for whatever blessings they do have.

God is the author of every good gift we experience in life and we thank him for these gifts. The Bible says, "give thanks in all circumstances ... " (1 Thessalonians 5:16). ... We can give thanks to God and rejoice always because his love endures even in the midst of the evil that results from sin. [Acc. to the Bible]

There are many ways in which we can thank God which are :-

  1. Prayer
  2. Remember him
  3. Serve humanity.

These are the most useful things to thank the almighty.

Answered by Anonymous


Why should we thank God?

As children, most of us are taught to be polite and to say “please” and “thank you.” It’s usually a matter of us demanding something from our parents, and being asked, “what’s the magic word?” We say, “please,” and grab for the cookie. But before we can get away, it’s always, “and what do you say?” We mumble “thank you,” and take off.

As we get older, we usually find that being polite, being grateful, gets us farther than simply demanding something and taking it without acknowledging our appreciation.

As submitters (Muslims), we’re very aware of how important it is to be appreciative of God’s blessings. It’s clearly a trait of a believer.

GOD rewards those who are appreciative. [Q3:144]

Therefore, you shall eat from GOD's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be appreciative of GOD's blessings, if you do worship Him alone. [Q16:114]

Therefore, you shall worship GOD alone, and be appreciative. [Q39:66]

We showed him the two paths, then he is either appreciative, or unappreciative. [Q76:3]

So, do we really have that much to be grateful for? Just the sun and the moon, the night and the day, the earth and the sky, plants, animals, mountains, rain…. Just everything!

What we would do if we had to control all of the things God controls every minute? If we just had to regulate our bodies, tell our heart to beat, our lungs to breathe, our eyes to blink. There would be no time for anything, except, “Heart, beat! Wait, take a breath. Heart, beat! Chew. Blink. Heart, beat!” Yet, every second, all those things go on and we take them for granted. God doesn’t begrudge us that. He doesn’t demand that we remember all those things constantly. He’s taking care of it. But it would be good for us to occasionally stop and be appreciative of how well the system works.

Everybody is grateful for the same things -good health, food to eat, air to breathe, a roof over our heads. Big things that we take for granted. Again, we need to stop now and then and thank God that we have those blessings. At the same time, everybody has different things to be thankful for.

What are your personal blessings, and do you remember to appreciate the One who created them? The more we can remember and appreciate God, the stronger we’ll become in our submission to Him.

In verse 2:152 God tells us:

You shall remember Me, that I may remember you, and be thankful to Me; do not be unappreciative. [Q2:152]

We certainly don’t want to be among those whom God will forget on the Day of Resurrection. He also tells us in Q14:7 that there are benefits when we remember to be grateful:

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