Describe issues that causes tension in center state relation
Centre State Legislative Relations. Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the Constitution deal with the legislative relations between the Centre and the State. Extent of laws made by Parliament and by the Legislatures of States. The Parliament can make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India.In India the issue of Centre-State relationship has created the
attention of several politicians, administrators and scholars
particularly after the fourth general elections in 1976. During
that period some other non-Congress parties were captured
power in some of the States of the India. It is not true that in
the pre-1977 period when the Congress party was running the
Central and almost all the State Governments, Centre-State
relationship had always been good. Actually, the pre-1967
Centre-State problems were more like family disputes and it
used to be resolved by Congress higher authority. More
clearly, it may be said that to solve the problem between the
two sets of Governments the party machinery of Congress was
utilized. One observer has pointed out that, “. . . . extra
constitutional means became available for the operation of the
Centre-State relationships. The party network connecting
Central and State leader ship was employed to resolve
conflicts. The Centre‟s relationship with a particular State
depended very much on the personality of its political leaders
and their equation with the Centre leadership. Consequently,
the Constitution was often bypassed and disputes were settled
in the party rather than through the constitutional machinery”.
(Jacob, Alice, 1972)