describe October revolution and February revolution
October revolution
As the conflict between the provincial government and the bolsheviks grew Lenin feared the provincial government would set up a dictatorship. Bolshevik supporters in the army, Soviets and the Factories were brought together. On 16 October 1917,lenin persuaded the petrograd soviet and the bolshevik party to agree to a socialist seizure of power. A Military Revolutionary Committee was appointed by the soviet under Leon Trotskiito organize the seizure. The uprising began on 24 October. Prime minister Kerenskii had left the city to summon troops. At dawn the men loyal to the government seized two buildings belonging to the bolsheviks. Supporters of government were sent to take over the telegraph office and protect the winter Palace. In a response, the ship aurora took over the winter Palace. Other vessels sailed down the river Neva and took over various military points. By the night, the city was under the committees control and the ministers had surrendered. At a meeting of the All Russian Congress of Soviets in Petrograd, the majority approved to the Bolshevik action. Uprisings took place in other cities. There was heavy fighting especially in Moscow but by December, the bolsheviks controlled the Moscow-petrograd area.
1. In the winter of 1917 the condition in the capital Petrograd were grim.
2. The workers quarters and factories were on the right bank of river neva and on the left there the fashionable buildings the inter place and official buildings.
3. On 22nd February a lockout took place at a factory on the right bank
4. The next day the workers in 50 factories called a strike in sympathy
5. Demonstrating workers crossed from the factory quarters to the centre of the capital- the nevskii prospect.
6. As the fashionable quarters and government buildings were surrounded by the workers the govt. imposed a curfew.
7. On Sunday 25th February the govt. suspended the duma.
8. Politicians spoke out against the measures. on 27th the police headquarters were ransacked. The streets thronged with people raising slogans about bread better ages and democracy.
9. By the evening soldiers striking workers formed a soviet. This was the Petrograd soviet.
10. The next day delegation went to the tsar which advised him to abdicate. And he abdicated on 2nd march.
Thus Petrograd had led the February revolution that brought down monarchy in February 1917
Vladamir Lenin returned from his exile and organised a socialist takeover of power through the Military Revolutionary Committee under Leon Trotskii. It was timed with the All Russian Congress of Soviet Workers and Soldiers. The date of the event was purposely kept a secret sensing trouble the provisional government seized two Bolshevik buildings. His response to this, the Military Revolutionary Committee took over the city of Petrograd. The navy had a pivotal role in the assault of the winter palace. Provisional government at the winter palace was put under arrest but Kerensky escaped. Heavy fighting followed, and by December, the Bolsheviks controlled the Moscow Petrograd area.
Effects: The immediate effect of the revolution of that power passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks under Lenin. The Bolshevik government withdrew from World War 1 and signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany. Russia lost many of her territories. The decree of land abolished private property and declared land to be a state property. Russia unilaterally renounced all unequal treaties with China, Iran and Afghanistan. The Right to Equality and Self-determination was recognised and Russia became the first socialist state of the world.