History, asked by piku2052, 1 year ago

Describe pre-historic India.


Answered by Anishanandcricketer
Pre-Historic India

• The fossils of the early human being have not been found in India. Recent reported artifacts from Bori in Maharashtra suggest the appearance of human beings in India around 1.4 million years ago.
• The archaeological remains that are found in different parts of India to reconstruct the history of this period include the stone tools, pottery, artifacts and metal implements used by pre-historic people.

• The technique of radio-carbon dating is commonly used for dating of the prehistoric period. It is based on measuring the loss of carbon in organic materials over a period of time.
• Another dating method is known as dendro-chronology. It refers to the number of tree rings in wood. By counting the number of tree rings in the wood, the date of the wood is arrived at.
• By this study the past of humankind has been divided into three broad categories viz. Prehistoric, protohistoric and historic.
• Prehistoric period belongs to the time before the emergence of writing and the historic period to the time following it.
• The prehistoric period is divided into three ages, namely the stone, bronze and iron ages. These ages, besides being technological stages, also have economic and social implications.
• In India, the prehistoric period is divided into the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), Neolithic (New Stone Age) and the Metal Age.
• The suffix lithic indicates that technology in these periods was primarily based on stone.
• Economically the Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods represent the hunting-gathering stage while the Neolithic represents the stage of food production, i.e. plant cultivation and animal husbandry.

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