English, asked by rafin9196, 1 year ago

Describe ralph miliband's view on the state


Answered by Anonymous

Miliband’s The State in Capitalist Societywas first published in 1969 and was widely acclaimed as a major contribution to the revival of both state theory and Marxist political thought. The book still stands as a key work in the development of social and political theory after more than four decades since the book was first published.


As Miliband himself describes in the preface, ‘the book is concerned with the nature and role of the state in advanced capitalist societies’. The first introductory chapter of the book is mainly concerned with a survey of the major economic and social characteristics of advanced capitalist societies. The second chapter examines in greater detail the pattern of economic power which is to be found in them. And, the third chapter outlines the main institutions of the ‘state system’ and the social composition of the ‘state elite’. The book, in these three chapters (of which the review is being undertaken), tries to offer many important arguments, along with some excellent and interesting empirical facts, to the state debate. When we cannot ignore the increasing importance of the book, however, the arguments, concepts, ideas and facts as well as the methodology used need further re-examination and debate.

The opening sentence of Miliband’s book goes by famously saying that today we live in the shadow of the state and more than ever depends on the state’s sanction and support. Miliband continues to stress that, in today’s advanced capitalist society, state has become more and more powerful and its intervention in every aspect of life is enormously increasing

Answered by niranjanroutaraya123


ralph describe that the state should be the advanced capitalist society and constitute the government as its first element and in scond the adminstaration or buracracy to ask them who are in political powers  and in third police armed forces to maintaining law and orders and in fourth judiciary system is that independent to the constitution and act like a chaque and in fifth is the local governoment ,relation between local government and constitution is the main political issues and local government would handel by legislation ,panchayatiraj system also


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