English, asked by mahmoodaleesha8g, 5 months ago

describe Rasalu as a young Boy​


Answered by Anonymous


Raja Rasalu usually comes as the continuation of the story of his older brother Puran Mal also known as Chorangi Nath, by whose blessing he was born. Although Puran Mal has told his step mother that her crime against him was pardoned, he consequently added that it was not entirely forgotten.

Answered by VRthexpert


Rasalu as a young boy.



ONCE there lived a great Raja, whose name was Sälbähan, and he had two Queens. Now the elder, by name Queen Achhrä, had a fair young son called Prince Püran; but the younger, by name Lonä, though she wept and prayed at many a shrine, had never a child to delight her eyes. So, being a bad, deceitful woman, envy and rage took possession of her heart, and she so poisoned Raja Sälbähan's mind against his son, young Püran, that just as the Prince was growing to manhood, his father became madly jealous of him, and in a fit of anger ordered his hands and feet to be cut off. Not content even with this cruelty, Raja Sälbähan had the poor young man thrown into a deep well. Nevertheless, Püran did not die, as no doubt the enraged father hoped and expected; for God preserved the innocent Prince, so that he lived on, miraculously, at the bottom of the well, until, years after, the great and holy Guru Goraknäth came to the place, and finding Prince Püran still alive, not only released him from his dreadful prison, but, by the power of magic, restored his hands and feet. Then Püran, in gratitude for this great boon, became a faqér, and placing the sacred earrings in his ears, followed Goraknäth as a disciple, and was called Püran Bhagat.

But as time went by, his heart yearned to see his mother's face, so Guru Goraknäth gave him leave to visit his native town, and Püran Bhagat journeyed thither and took up his abode in a large walled garden, where he had often played as a child. And, lo! he found it neglected and barren, so that his heart became sad when he saw the broken watercourses and the withered trees. Then he sprinkled the dry ground with water from his drinking vessel, and prayed that all might become green again. And, lo! even as he prayed, the trees shot forth leaves, the grass grew, the flowers bloomed, and all was as it had once been.

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