describe six measures to promote conservation of water
Water is an important resource for sustaining life on our planet. Our planet has limited supply of water that is available in liquid form and is fit for drinking. Most of the water is in the form of glaciers and in oceans. Water in ocean is not fit for drinking and so it is important to help promote the ideal of watedr conservation.
• When speaking of water conservation, it is ideal to check with water wastage at our home. we should not allow the taps running if we are not using water.
• When making the selection of appliances like washing machines or dishwasher, it is best to make the selection wisely. Select appliances that use less water and are economical.
• Try and make use of dual flush system in toilets at homes. Avoid over flushing it if not necessary.
• All taps at home should be efficient and leak proof. Faucet aerators and devices can be used to prevent taps from leaking.
• If your toilet flush are leaking then it is better to check them on regular basis. Keep the main valves off if not in use.
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