Describe some of the conflicts in our society and the role of the government in resolving them.
We all as human resides in societies because of the characteristic of being a social animal. However being a social animal does not guarantee the happy existance of every human together. This togetherness also brings lots of the conflicts among various communities and even inside the group.
While having such equation the government plays a very important role in solving these conflicts.
Some conflicts that might appear can be -
Conflict on land - People have a lot of consideration for their land and property. But this land is also a major reson of conflict among people because every one desire more land and property. The government by way of making laws and regulations tries to regularise the land and property of the civilians.
The conflict regarding water resources - These conflicts exist not only among group of people but at a larger scale the conflict can also involve state governments and the government of countries.
Conflict of culture- When different communities stay together their culture can sometimes create tensions that are solved by the contribution of the government.